I realized that there was no torture to compare with unsatisfied desire!
In spite of the unsatisfied desire pulsing inside her, she managed a laugh.
They're a mixture of misery at having to separate, coming loneliness, a great inner emptiness and, yes, unsatisfied desire.
Even when we've made love the unsatisfied desire remains.
He goes on: 'The quality common to the three experiences is that of an unsatisfied desire which is itself more desirable than any other satisfaction.
He had been educated with a view to this profession, and, therefore, was not tormented with unsatisfied desires.
Either I must die at present, or expire by the lingering torments of unsatisfied desire.
And what was she doing with unsatisfied desires?
Infantile madness is the inability to bear the frustration of unsatisfied desires.
But everyone knew, even then, about unsatisfied or sublimated or postponed desires: the final step must be action.