Demand was thus satisfied for HE as a whole, although clearly there would be unsatisfied demand for particular courses or institutions.
'Truly First-Class Service' William F. Spann, president of the American-European Express Railroad Company, says he believes there is an unsatisfied demand for luxury travel.
The real answer would require allowing teams to move where there's unsatisfied demand for the game, whether that be in New York itself or in some region that has no team.
In the present context this rule would imply that output will equal Y n in figure 5.1 with the gap 1 -Y n being unsatisfied excess demand.
It is hard to accept McClellan's assurance that the system is responsive, to an extent, to 'unsatisfied demand'.
The fact that unsatisfied demand is itself a complex and unresolved problem for librarians does not diminish the problem as it relates to stock logistics.
If the attempt to reverse the veto fails, "the unsatisfied public demand for action against crime just hangs out there," said the Governor's spokesman, Mr. Fryer.
It pointed to the success of its transatlantic Skytrain in helping create demand while maintaining that its rivals' proposals would do little to meet the unsatisfied demand for low-fare seats.
Turning to the crisis in higher education, with a large unsatisfied demand in many former Communist countries, the report said the lifting of travel restrictions has raised fears of a brain drain.
Reprisals had to be preceded by an unsatisfied demand for reparation or compliance with the violated international law.