I have also had several unsatisfactory meetings with a lecture agent who insists upon reminding me at regular intervals that I am not Mark Twain.
After the meeting, Mr. Cortines said: "We just finished a very unsatisfactory meeting between the superintendents, the School Construction Authority, and some of our own staff.
Yet he was convinced that he had no real feeling for her - how could he, after such a brief and unsatisfactory meeting so long ago?
Banks told her a little about Barber's movements in Yorkshire, in particular his unsatisfactory meeting with Vic Greaves.
He had a brief and unsatisfactory meeting with Freud, and went through an analysis with Wilhelm Reich.
Once Shirley went up to London and they had a short and unsatisfactory meeting.
Then Lincoln was on his feet; and the highly, to Chase's mind, unsatisfactory meeting was at an end.
After the cordial but ultimately unsatisfactory meeting, he felt a little worse than that.
After a few unsatisfactory meetings with Nehru, on 16 August 1965, Fateh Singh threatened another fast-undo-death and self-immolation, if a Punjabi Suba was not created.
"So," I said, trying to move along, suddenly tired of this unsatisfactory meeting.