But increasingly, I find unsatisfactory the explanation that it's the foreignness of these large corporations that is the major contributor to their shortcomings.
During one short rest break, taken at my insistence, he provided only a brief unsatisfactory explanation.
Pug's expression showed he considered this an unsatisfactory explanation even if he didn't say so.
It seemed an unsatisfactory explanation, but he offered no comment.
Finding free variation to be an unsatisfactory explanation, he wrote:
This is juridically an unsatisfactory explanation for those States where treaties do not form part of domestic law unless incorporated by legislation.
But he is clearly angry with Trachsel, saying Trachsel gave an unsatisfactory explanation in their postgame meeting.
With that unsatisfactory explanation, she turned away, went into her office, and shut the door.
The mere logical possibility of a p-zombie demonstrates that consciousness is a natural phenomenon beyond the current unsatisfactory explanations.
It was late, to be sure, but it didn't sound a suspicious or unsatisfactory explanation.