A sloppy hat could not conceal an equally unruly mass of hair atop the rounded head.
He'd fled the keep without a backward glance, slipping away in the middle of the day when the unruly masses were greatest and most unruly.
But now, standing wimpily by my own unruly mass of brambles and vines, I had second thoughts.
His unruly mass of black hair has been styled back.
An unruly mass of finger-in-the-socket curls belie his background as a hairdresser.
Fingers rise to his thick black hair, stabbing it and yanking backward, leaving furrows in the unruly mass.
Colonel Cathcart clawed and elbowed his way through the unruly, bewildered mass until he stood outside by himself.
He emphasized how education would be "a social equalizer" and turn unruly masses of children into civilized individuals.
The sound of those unruly masses, shouting, singing, stumping, was gradually dying away.
Five o'clock and it was half-past three when first that unruly mass of humanity had invaded the château.