Four members voted him "Not Qualified," thus clearly defining "qualified" as "favoring unrestricted abortion on demand."
They are thus forced to come to New York, which allows unrestricted abortions through 24 weeks.
On abortion rights, Mr. Levy differs with many Republican candidates elsewhere by supporting unrestricted abortion during the first trimester of pregnancy.
He is for needle exchanges, unrestricted abortion and civil unions between homosexuals, and he's happy to tell you about it.
The likely effect is that some of the state laws will be thrown out, and those states would then be forced to pay for unrestricted abortions.
Advocates of abortion rights, who had long relied on the courts to vindicate their position, said they would now turn to political action to keep abortion legal and unrestricted.
"He wishes to preserve the reality of unrestricted abortion but behind the facade of a symbolic limitation."
So we made it unrestricted abortion up to 24 weeks, and after that only for the life of the mother.
The 20th Women's Meeting, held in October 2005 in Mar del Plata, included a 30,000-people demonstration asking for unrestricted abortion.
Not so with respect to the harm that many states believed, pre-Roe, and many may continue to believe, is caused by largely unrestricted abortion.