New York's problem has not been Federal cutbacks, he says, but what he considers Mr. Cuomo's voracious tax increases and the state's unrestrained spending.
The unrestrained spending of the past will not return for a long time, I personally hope never.
But soon after that the producer's unrestrained spending on sets, cast, costumes and advertising caught up with Livent, and not even $76 Broadway tickets covered the bills.
The deficits have been driven by deep tax cuts and unrestrained spending.
Saudi Arabia, long seen as one of the world's wealthiest countries, has undermined its financial stability with a decade of unrestrained spending, huge military purchases and irregular banking practices.
After the Vietnam War, unplanned and unrestrained social spending gobbled up the dollars saved by the American withdrawal.
Others have proposed revenue measures, like replacing the school property tax with an income tax, but Mr. Levy said unrestrained spending was the crux of the problem.
For now, though, the Mayor said the city had to end years of "unwise, unrestrained spending."
No way can we continue to live in this non-sustainable economy of ours, especially with Bush's unrestrained military spending.
Jon Corzine, the junior senator from New Jersey, has already demonstrated that unrestrained spending of personal wealth can win an election, although vast riches do not guarantee success.