In areas such as Morocco, standpipes often yield unreliable service and lead to water scarcity for large numbers of people.
Current track conditions are causing Red Line riders to experience longer travel times, crowded trains and unreliable service.
But the changes resulted in very unreliable service along much of the lines' routes.
The end result can be unreliable service and longer effective wait times for some passengers on routes that had nominally shorter scheduled intervals.
The study added that M10 riders who have complained about unreliable service are right.
The ferry offered only unreliable service, however, as adverse weather and flooding regularly prevented its operation.
It provides only an unreliable service, and "best effort" delivery.
After taking control of Air Jamaica, he set out to improve the airline's notoriously unreliable service.
In 1914, following an inefficient and unreliable service, a branch line was approved linking the three centres.
Because of the unreliable service this winter, he said, "There are big chunks of the morning when I can't schedule meetings."