They know that test scores often predict applicants' academic performance on campus but are unreliable guides to career success.
A fund's past performance tends to be an unreliable guide except for the worst funds.
In general, it has been found that theoretical guarantees regarding convergence are an unreliable guide to practical application.
Yet Stille's critique is also fueled by nostalgia, an unreliable guide.
He also makes a surprisingly unreliable guide to his own country's history.
Platforms are unreliable guides to what a prospective Administration will actually do once in power, and it's true that practically nobody reads them.
Symptoms reported by the patient are often an unreliable guide to the underlying dysfunction of the lower urinary tract.
However, some natives at this time became unreliable guides and could give away a patrol's position.
A recent study suggests that symptoms are an unreliable guide to the cause of anaemia in patients with gastrointestinal blood loss.
In part, that is because incomplete reports provide an unreliable guide to quality.