U.S. officials say Turkey perceives us as "an unreliable ally."
Despite the military support Henry provided, the Bretons were divided and had unreliable allies.
Her discussion of past events is inhibited as she bites her tongue and declines to criticize either unreliable allies or particular foes.
Both are finding their principal foreign allies maddeningly unreliable.
But both of these key groups, in Stockman's view, were made up of unreliable allies.
Flannan made flighty, unreliable allies, due to their capri- cious nature, but never had they been allied with the Dark.
She considered these efforts immoral and disloyal, and saw Britain as an unreliable ally.
James was an unreliable ally; in the end he proved a treacherous one as well.
Obviously Kadywinsi was an uncertain and unreliable ally, given to supporting whoever had spoken to him most recently.
Leonard Cohen once wrote that a woman watches her body uneasily, as though it were an unreliable ally in the battle for love.