An unrelated company by the same name is a manufacturer of natural beauty products.
Rollups of complementary or unrelated companies are also done to:
There was an earlier, unrelated company which went by the same name in the late 1950s.
"The strategy is only dangerous if the parent has majority equity in too many unrelated companies," he said.
But such transactions must involve a true transfer of risk to an unrelated company for them to gain favorable insurance accounting treatment.
An unrelated Japanese company provides a prepaid cards service using the same name.
In fact the two were separate and unrelated companies after their 1916 split.
Pizza Haven is the name of two unrelated companies.
Nothing has been found to be missing, and the offices of two other unrelated companies in the same building were broken into the same night.
The company was eventually forced out of business, though the website has since been purchased by an unrelated company.