The plaintiff's lawyers contend that the car was "unreasonably dangerous" despite meeting the Federal safety standards.
The Jimmy, the suit contended, was "unreasonably dangerous" because of its "overly aggressive front structure."
A statement today from the military task force about security in Belet Uen described the situation as being not "unreasonably dangerous."
And the perception that flying was unreasonably dangerous was keeping people out of the sky.
Even if I could gain access to it, it would be unreasonably dangerous to do so.
Philip Morris was also sued on the basis that the cigarettes manufactured and sold by the company were unreasonably dangerous.
"If they decide that it's unreasonably dangerous and should be banned, then that would eliminate any need to have discussion on the issue."
Will not cause unreasonably dangerous or congested conditions with respect to highways or other means of transportation.
An architectural barrier is any feature that makes access or use of a building difficult, unreasonably dangerous or impossible.
The lawsuit also asserted that the raw material, orthochlorophenol, was defective and unreasonably dangerous.