Laura watched as her unread newspaper was quickly opened and folded upon itself so Crystal could hold it with one hand while she sipped her coffee.
At 9:30 P.M. Ambassador Koh sinks once again into the back seat of his limousine, his unread newspapers at his side.
I left the unread newspaper on my desk and drove over to the Pot O' Gold Mobile Home Park.
Harry Rex was sitting on a bench, a cup of coffee in hand, an unread newspaper next to him.
I like my newspapers fresh, unread, and undipped.
Meanwhile, Caroline's proprietorship of what was, after all, the cave-dweller's favorite unread newspaper was considered a charming folly due to her European upbringing.
And who will not identify with her piles of unread newspapers, which a male friend comes over to iron "so the black won't rub off on my fingers"?
Sections of the day's New York Times and Washington Post were strewn over a small side table from a stack of unread newspapers.
Karla and I went to visit them, and their suite was all a-rummage with pizza boxes, diet Coke cans, dirty laundry, unread newspapers and gum wrappers.
There is a dog's leash slung over the bannister, flats of annuals waiting to be planted, unread newspapers in a pile.