Her calm, eventless, unselfish life had left none of those rude traces upon her countenance which are the outward emblems of internal conflict and an unquiet soul.
Nay, what could cause it but an unquiet soul in the King of the land?
This is not because the vacant spaces are stalked by unquiet souls who could have sworn they'd asked for a VAT receipt but now can't find it.
You'll be introduced to unquiet souls like John Taylor, who was hanged in 1855, or Mary Beth, whose spirit was said to rock her babies' cradles after her death from cholera.
Her gasps echoed off the stone walls of the ancient house of God like the remnants of the unquiet souls who had been tortured there during the inquisition.
Skulking off to the side are the two unquiet souls who, the play suggests, will be most dangerously warped by the agonies of social interaction in the teenage years.
For never shall you lie by Portia's side With an unquiet soul.
To her unquiet soul the calm seemed unnatural, like a thick cloak covering some feverish activity.
First go with me to church and call me wife, And then away to Venice to your friend; For never shall you lie by Portia's side With an unquiet soul.
The last few unquiet souls of a dead world.