While executives in Mexico can expect the unquestioned loyalty of employees, outsiders are often viewed with mistrust.
She, at least, had unquestioned loyalty to her side.
In the past, admissions requirements for the academy gave greater importance to political reliability and unquestioned loyalty to the government than to education.
He was a man of certain and unquestioned loyalty.
At an early age, and largely due to his father, Bock developed an unquestioned loyalty to the state and dedication to the military profession.
Therefore the Brain fell back on utilizing alien races whose unquestioned loyalty rated above mental faculties.
These are the white-collar graduates of the best universities who have had unquestioned loyalty to their companies over the last two decades or so.
Confucius did not believe that ethical self-cultivation meant unquestioned loyalty to an evil ruler.
Informers said he ruled his group with an iron hand and demanded unquestioned loyalty.
It complains about being frozen out of lucrative court work despite "unquestioned loyalty" to the party.