He took the helm himself, hatred burning in him like an unquenchable flame.
The same rage that had filled her, that had burned like a cold unquenchable flame in the center of her gut.
His skies are golden and the ground is multicoloured, and an unquenchable flame lurks beneath.
Through a long night of repression and control, the artistic community in our land helped keep alive the unquenchable flame of freedom.
His burnished bronze skin seemed to glow from within, as though lit by some unquenchable inner flame.
The hissing of the tiny, unquenchable flames.
The fine, unquenchable flame of the younger girl would consent no more to mingle with the perverted life of the elder woman.
Our wonder-working adversary must have conjured magical flames, unquenchable by methods either normal or natural.
It mounted unbearably; continued to mount, and threatened to grow forever and ignite the universe with unquenchable flame.
It had gone on for so long, for so many generations, that the brooding, unquenchable flame had become a full partner in the Irish psyche.