Well, maybe not, and the oversentimental, overcontrived conclusion is the only thing that keeps this expertly creepy science-fiction film from being an unqualified winner.
Another unqualified winner was the halibut steak in a sesame sauce garnished with delicious roasted baby eggplant.
Mr. Palladin has found a good match in Sam Mason, his pastry chef, who delivers two unqualified winners on a short dessert list.
A seafood dish called lobster with satee sauce, a piquant blend of black pepper and curry, was an unqualified winner.
But she has left untouched some unqualified winners, each a careful composition with an extra, unexpected flavor.
So it would be nice if "Bhoot" were an unqualified winner.
Many of the entrees Ms. Aronson has added are unqualified winners.
Both blueberry and peach crumb pies are unqualified winners, too.
Pecan pie is an unqualified winner, with a crust of crunchy toasted pecans and a light filling that is (amazingly) not too sweet.
Chocolate souffle cake is an unqualified winner, as is the bread pudding layered with bittersweet chocolate mousse.