My old theory of hiring was to post a job listing on Monster or Craigslist and then sort through the massive pile of unqualified applicants in hopes of finding the needle in the haystack.
Many companies use software to weed out unqualified applicants.
In 1986 the department's inspector general determined in an audit that many of those grants went to unqualified applicants who hired subcontractors to handle work they were unable to do themselves.
Consular officers must often make difficult decisions, especially when unqualified applicants are assisted by smugglers and fraud rings.
In 1993, the German Parliament changed the asylum law to make it possible for German authorities to repel unqualified applicants at the point of entry.
While stationed in Saudi Arabia, Springmann was "ordered by high level State Dept officials to issue visas to unqualified applicants".
In recent years, Federal and state authorities have indicted mortgage brokers, bank loan officers and others, contending that eager to earn commissions, they falsified papers for low-documentation loans to unqualified applicants.
Some recruiters said they witnessed more "improprieties," which the Army defines as any grossly negligent or intentional act or omission used to enlist unqualified applicants or grant benefits to those who are ineligible.
Various forms of cheating, or breaking Army rules to enlist unqualified applicants, have been on the rise.
Personnel recruitment processes include developing job announcements, placing ads, defining key qualifications for applicants, and screening out unqualified applicants.