Five more novels followed, and after Lofting's death in 1947, two more volumes of short unpublished pieces appeared.
It is doubtful that Beethoven was familiar with this unpublished piece.
For a Soviet writer to smuggle an unpublished piece of work to the West has long been regarded as a kind of betrayal.
I dug out a short, unpublished piece from my files and mailed it to him.
Eight more books followed, and after Lofting's death two more volumes, composed of short unpublished pieces, appeared.
Further unpublished pieces by Jane appeared in a family memoir.
The single features a previously unpublished piece called Tatuointi.
It features an unpublished piece from 1998 written after the death of Tómas Gröndal, a close friend.
Why was there such a long gap, and why are these unpublished pieces suddenly coming to light?
Like the bootleg tapes that DeCurtis always seems to have heard first, these unpublished or obscure pieces are the real find.