In the 1990's, Pennel Phlander Irwin, an unpublished novelist, tried to claim that all his living expenses were deductible because his entire life went into his writing.
His father, John, worked variously as a civil servant, an unpublished novelist and as a caterer, running a café in Battersea Park.
He became an unpublished novelist, and then published a monograph telling other psychologists how they can further their careers in this same manner.
Not bad for an unpublished novelist who is allergic to animals and admits that he is "terrible with computers."
The widely publicized Sobol Award, which promised its winning unpublished novelist a cash prize and book contact with Touchstone, was canceled Monday.
His mother, Lee Stearns, taught history at Riverdale Country School as Lee Whedon, and was an unpublished novelist.
If we had access to certain works-some ancient Greek poet whose works have been lost, or some unpublished Moldovan novelist who died in the nineteen-seventies-the list might look very different.
Some are even dangling lucrative multi-book contracts in front of previously unpublished novelists.
And then I thought, 'Wow, you haven't experienced this kind of fear since you were an unpublished novelist.
The second of the novel's point-of-view characters, he is an unpublished novelist who works as a math tutor at a prep school.