The white settlers thought the killing was an unprovoked murder and dispatched a force to arrest Yagan's group, without success.
Under the terms of the treaty, after such an unprovoked murder, the Klingon Empire would forfeit all claim to the planet.
He's found out that there are people who are not deterred by the threat of cerebrin as the punishment for an unprovoked commercial murder.
Fortunately, however, most Americans are still capable of recognizing the vast moral distinction between the supreme punishment, by execution, of a cold-blooded killer, and the supreme brutality of unprovoked murder.
Despite the fact that numerous people saw the unprovoked murder, Levin was acquitted on April 23, 1914.
His testimony offered the first detailed public description of the April 26 incident in Hamdaniya, a Sunni stronghold west of Baghdad, where prosecutors say the eight soldiers joined in an unprovoked murder tantamount to a war crime.
The Times called it "one of the most unprovoked and reckless murders ever committed."
Like PETA, he once believed to eat fish was a form of "unprovoked murder" since "none of them had or ever could do us injury that might justify the slaughter."
Outright unprovoked murder - well, just give them what they want.
But halfway between then and now, in November 1979, there was one last explosion of violence in the South that at first report seemed stark, simple, unprovoked racist murder of the old kind.