The so-called network computer is an unproven product chasing a market that does not yet exist.
But one critical mistake a lot of people make is they try to go into a center for Christmas, the highest-cost leasing months, with an unproven product.
That's an awful lot of sizzle to slap on an unproven product, and the first MicroSlice systems sure don't scream "revolutionary."
Of the $1.2 billion, a sizable chunk goes for unproven, generally worthless products, from vitamin pills to special shampoos.
It seems equally impossible to justify the compensation paid to dot-com executives who run companies that produce unproven products.
In the United States, FDA regulations forbid the makers of unproven products from claiming efficacy against cancer.
Mr. Mandl will be running a new business with few employees and an unproven product.
And Inner City Oceans, although it is the only fish farm in New York, is hardly pushing an unproven product.
"Diabetes requires effective treatments and aggressive management, not bogus and unproven products."
It was not an easy task not only because the emergency bandages were an unproven product, but also their inventor had no prior business record.