Several players criticized the contracts that overpaid unproven players.
Besides Thues, Syracuse is counting on another unproven player at a key position.
A fire sale occurred late in the season, where the Orioles traded away many veterans for unproven young players and minor league prospects.
But they are a more refined team now, because the many rookies and unproven players have gone through the regular season.
Instituted two years ago to protect teams from having to pay exorbitant salaries to unproven players, the cap has backfired on the owners.
Wright is one of several young unproven players the Nets hope will fortify their bench.
Handley is not ready to junk the season and use unproven players on defense.
What was intended as a remedy for restricting movement and limiting salaries of unproven players has given rise to a new set of problems.
In other years, improvement through the draft of college players always involved the development of unproven players.
Trade our core guys and get more younger unproven players.