Although it has not gone beyond the stage of unproved allegations and charges, the case appeared to hold echoes of a notorious assault in neighboring Glen Ridge 15 years ago.
There were also several unproved allegations being bandied about that the balloting process had not been above board.
"In fact, it might be a good idea f'r everyone to stop makin' unproved allegations."
The loudest fans in search of the most effective button to push selected from a variety of subjects: Press 1 for unproved allegations of steroid use.
The rider's lawyers have been among the busiest briefs in sport, rebutting countless unproved allegations.
There are unproved allegations of corruption against Devananda.
The state attorney general and county prosecutors fear that the bill would require files to be open even if they contain unproved allegations.
They toss out vague unproved allegations, claim the accused "acknowledged" or "did not disavow" some non-controversial point, and by their indignant tone of voice besmirch a person's reputation.
The Postal Service team remains solidly behind Armstrong in the latest controversy, which follows unproved allegations of drug use by the same team in last year's Tour.