One side of the car, the unprotected side, is wrecked by vandals.
After a fight of a few minutes, followed by a quick release, we were again slowly tacking along the unprotected side of the islands.
The tilted edge of the board deflected the stuff right onto the unprotected left side of his head.
She had the first, on her left, held off, but the second raised his blade on her unprotected side.
Now the sellsword circled left, away from the shield, toward the knight's unprotected side.
Another came through her unprotected side, high up but burst without doing any damage.
The left was his unprotected side, a -ay from the tangled oak roots.
It strikes at the unprotected side, in the place where we lodge the fragments of other such plagues.
The left half of the shield was designed to cover the unprotected right side of the hoplite next to them.
Harry declined and thrust at his unprotected side.