These are the smart, unprofitable customers.
Now what do you think happens in the PC or car market when a company is faced with a potentially unprofitable customer?
What we want is a good lamp average and no unprofitable customer.
Don't waste resources on unprofitable customers: know your customers well.
As insurers shun unprofitable customers, abandoned employees are placed in state insurance pools.
About half the decline came when Xerox exited the low-price printer market last year, and dropped many unprofitable customers in developing markets.
He says that not even the recent reorganization of Hungarian banks, designed to force them to get tough with unprofitable corporate customers, has helped.
These unprofitable customers actually detract from overall firm profitability.
Striving to maintain the loyalty of unprofitable customers is not a viable business model.
In its defense, Nynex likes to point out that its legal obligation to provide universal service means supplying phone lines to unprofitable customers.