The lead attacker was a small, compact man with the quick, sharp, unpredictable movements of a veteran.
Engle's most important contribution was his path-breaking discovery of a method for analyzing unpredictable movements in financial market prices and interest rates.
The audience, kept off guard in laughter by the unpredictable movements, was abruptly hushed by the frenzy of each new variation.
They are said by Moose to have more unpredictable movement, and roll faster due to their shorter length.
Stalin feared the unpredictable movement and disruptive influence of such foreign market forces as demand and price fluctuations.
Gracie was a storm that was very difficult to forecast, with its movement unpredictable.
"Some parties recuperate, but many do not, and in their place you have all these new, unpredictable movements."
She only blinked a little when she saw him, as if she had grown used to the unpredictable movements of wizards.
Or maybe it was a simple trick of the sunlight and the unpredictable movements of the huge crane.
This unusual drive train produces strange and often unpredictable movements, though has shown to be successful in combat.