Format: An unpredictable one-hour mix of zany stunts, star chatter and music.
The popular group has been appearing on Monday nights this month at the Top of the Gate with an unpredictable mix of guest artists.
And Hollywood's volatility, with its unpredictable mix of flops and hits, would seem to represent the antithesis of that goal.
Unit loads move by an unpredictable mix of many types of vehicles and storage areas, the exact set is difficult to predict.
The unpredictable mix keeps the pages turning: quiet Quilt Makers are followed by riveting Rosies.
The creation of idols has always depended on chemistry and hormones, a notoriously unpredictable mix.
Instead, he scored an unpredictable mix of A's and F's, and earned a 1.4 grade point average in his senior year.
Their sound is an unpredictable mix of stabbing guitars, social commentary and an abrasive rhythm section.
Detours, Cameras and the Tape It is also New York, which adds to the unpredictable mix.
I'd like an odd and unpredictable mix if possible.