Although Woods was in contention, he got there in a very unpredictable fashion.
But as March came to a close in typically unpredictable fashion, he found he was wrong.
Theory tells me that the island will quickly proceed to behave in unpredictable fashion.
He argued that we must allow space for free will to unfold in an autonomous and unpredictable fashion.
It affected the ship in an unpredictable fashion, so Gorov couldn't prepare for its next attack.
So that value would be jumping all over within a 16-bit space which we know is 64K, or 65536, in an unpredictable fashion, hopefully unpredictable.
Or would it be something else totally unexpected, raising its ugly head and announcing itself in some unpredictable fashion?
Each year the proceedings slipped out of gear in some unpredictable fashion.
Distributed computing is also arriving in the same unpredictable fashion.
With fashion so unpredictable, it's risky to project what the 2000's may have in store.