First, the mutinies were unpredictable and frightening events for any military leader to deal with.
My initial plans were quite different but the situation has changed radically by several unpredictable events.
In the end, the measure passed because of unpredictable events on the House floor after time had run out.
"I take it you don't care to elaborate on the nature of these unpredictable events."
Sometimes, a good manager makes what seems the right choice at the time but is undermined by unpredictable events.
More generally, asset prices are influenced by a variety of unpredictable events in the general economic environment.
The actors must go through unpredictable events while constantly meeting different characters.
And of course, there are the unpredictable events that can send the entire kitchen staff into a tailspin.
And that was only the beginning of Friday's unpredictable events.
But there are just too many unpredictable events to believe anyone could have planned to frame me.