Moral: Even the best intentions have unpredictable consequences, possibly involving whistling.
Denied reliable sales taxes, they may have to look elsewhere for revenue, with unpredictable consequences.
I think perhaps you don't understand the degree to which the whole situation is fraught with unpredictable consequences.
But the impact itself was a random event: chaotic, in that small differences could have produced large, even unpredictable consequences.
In addition to possible military reprisals, there are unpredictable political consequences.
The American administration is preparing for war on Iraq, with unpredictable consequences that no one will be able to control.
A war, on the other hand, could have completely unpredictable consequences.
This, they fear, could disrupt the climate system with largely unpredictable but possibly catastrophic consequences.
To the Sharif family, the destruction of their house was a trauma with unpredictable consequences.
"But it can result in the further aggravation of the situation and bring most unpredictable consequences."