The Second Punic War placed unprecedented strains on Roman manpower, not least on the over 10,000+ drachmae First Class which provided the cavalry.
"That protective system, however, is now under unprecedented strain given the sheer volume of commerce and travel between the U.S. and Europe."
That fragile balance between our three coequal branches of government is being subjected to unprecedented strains as a result of events that have occurred over the past several years.
Mr. Haywood had been screened for a positive attitude and for a network to support him during the unprecedented strain of the surgery and its aftermath.
Combine all of those with the unexpected and unprecedented strains involved in extracting through the rubble and it was a recipe for disaster.
The deaths of more than 4,000 people, largely at the hands of Mr Assad's forces, have placed the long-standing relationship between Hamas and Syria under unprecedented strain.
Economic development imposes upon society unprecedented social strains.
Penetrating deep into our private lives, it will place absolutely unprecedented strains on the family itself.
And, as we know, public finances at national level are under unprecedented strain.
The retirement of the baby boom generation will put unprecedented strains on the federal government.