Al Jazeera reported that "unprecedented protests" occurred in Tripoli.
Today, all that certainty is gone, swept away by unprecedented protests in Cairo, Alexandria, and other Egyptian cities.
It comes on the heels of Saturday's unprecedented nationwide protests against Putin and his party, United Russia.
In an unprecedented protest, dozens of senior judges boycotted a 2006 Christmas reception given by McDowell.
But was there not at least a clarifying truth in the very fact that agency analysts risked their careers in an unprecedented public protest?
There has been unprecedented protest in the country over the past few days - much of it co-ordinated via the web.
The Walker plan generated months of unprecedented protests and demonstrations that resulted in recall elections this summer.
Al Jazeera English reported on 30 May that "unprecedented protests" occurred in Tripoli.
In January 2011, as unprecedented large-scale protests began in Algeria, it called upon its supporters to join demonstrations against the system.
After six days of unprecedented protests, Hosni Mubarak and his regime still refuse to go.