Although her Constitutional argument was not original, she focused unprecedented public attention on suffrage.
The channel and its web site also were seeing unprecedented attention from viewers looking for alternatives to embedded reporting and military press conferences.
This subcommittee, which gave unprecedented attention to the subject, held public hearings on July 23-25, 1969.
Her success brought unprecedented attention to the race.
The first broadcasting of parliamentary proceedings brought him unprecedented public attention, but he proved more impartial than party colleagues had expected.
Korver helped lead Creighton's return to the top-25 and garnered unprecedented attention for his all-around play.
Judge Lippman said that another significant factor in the reassignment was "the unprecedented public attention focused on this matter."
Due to this unprecedented attention, people travel to Egypt with preconceived ideas, in addition to a sense of excitement and anticipation.
The international community paid unprecedented attention to the inauguration of Barack Obama.
The incident brought unprecedented attention to Cellardyke, with worldwide media coverage of the events being broadcast from the small harbour.