An unprecedented assault on moral values will go into high gear in 1992.
He lays the blame for the unprecedented assault on the U.S. financial and military policy in the Middle East.
Knocked out of its coil, the snake endeavored in bewilderment to adjust to this unprecedented assault.
They did so by undertaking an unprecedented preemptive assault on what they believed might have been the Borg homeworld.
The city's commissioner of children's services, John B. Mattingly, said city day care was "under unprecedented assault."
And, knowing the terror's source, Spock also knew that he could control even this unprecedented assault.
In Cuba, the war is giving Fidel Castro cover for an unprecedented assault.
This represents an unprecedented assault on our nation's industrial core for two reasons.
Egypt's highest body of judges decried the ruling as an "unprecedented assault on the independence of the judiciary and its rulings."
Workers are facing an unprecedented assault on their living standards.