An unpleasant child, she thought, who grew up into an even more unpleasant woman.
His wife had been an unpleasant woman, but with her family's oil trust he'd managed to live peacefully with her.
He once married a much older and very unpleasant woman from whom he fled after borrowing $2,000.
Pretty in a way, but an unpleasant woman.
The nurse, a very unpleasant woman, had to make objections.
It wasn't a suggestion but a statement of fact, and privately Robbie decided he must know some very unpleasant women.
She is an unpleasant woman, who seems to think of little besides herself, with few friends and no real talents.
He thought she was a most unpleasant woman, and he certainly was not going to allow her to get the better of him.
Treesa would likely become a bitter, unpleasant old woman on her own - but not with Roshya around.
She remembered Teslyn slightly; a Red, and an unpleasant woman.