Inadvertently, Mr. Walsh also demonstrates the news media's unpleasant traits.
The symptoms of a changeling includes unpleasant traits in the body, paleness, a green tint, bad temper, and/or a voracious appetite.
The Lassans certainly seem remarkably free from such unpleasant traits as envy, intolerance, jealousy, anger.
Within such a frame, dissenting individuals might anticipate that growth and change would eventually eliminate the unpleasant traits of evolutionary adjustment to a specific environment.
But at the same time, he knew that sometimes others saw unpleasant traits in people that they couldn't see in themselves.
They were solitary, moody, sulking, introverted peasants, the dullards of the galaxy, and all those unpleasant traits led to Ytram's undoing.
The former means not accepting other people's opinions, always knowing best, having the last word; in short, all those unpleasant traits for which I'm known.
Two more unpleasant human traits I had acquired with my metamorphosis.
A typical, unpleasant human trait," Doc said.
Neale and Rowse also idealised the Queen personally: she always did everything right; her more unpleasant traits were ignored or explained as signs of stress.