As is so often the case with anomalous, unplanned developments, success or failure must be judged by whether they work.
Near the estate, he said, "unplanned sprawling development has already ravaged Route 9."
He was particularly concerned about Oregon's rapid population growth in the 1960s and the impact of unplanned development on the state's environment.
Many Duluthians and area residents consider the corridor to be an example of poor and unplanned development.
All Siolcars should awake and take steps to prevent this unplanned development.
But unplanned development already damaged the scenario of rare Russian architecture in this country.
"I was fearful we would have unplanned development there that would create a mess," he said.
It is, they said, a way to rescue the site from earlier unplanned and often shabby development.
He could see Selena off to one side, her eyes wide at this unplanned development.
For if pollution, unplanned development and greater environmental participation do not take place, we will find that our life styles will have to change dramatically.