Two contemporary descriptions survive showing that this battle had an unparalleled reputation for its carnage.
Gwalior holds an unparalleled reputation in Sangeet.
This hypothetical 100-year-old "company" has an unparalleled reputation for discovery.
His unparalleled reputation as a sports lawyer has continued to grow as well.
The company has specialized skills, huge amounts of funding and an unparalleled reputation for integrity.
The school has been described as enjoying an unparalleled reputation as one of the most selective and demanding schools of its kind in North America.
But American start-up companies, he and others noted, have an unparalleled reputation for turning research advances into commercial gains.
In the court room, he enjoyed an unparalleled reputation as a criminal lawyer of great distinction.
With a reputation unparalleled in Calimport.
Old Spurinna enjoyed an unparalleled reputation among these soothsayers.