This has left the six churches in Connecticut with what they say is an unpalatable option: reporting to an alternative bishop chosen by Bishop Smith.
Forced repatriation is an unpalatable option; it simply returns refugees to their persecutors.
And it boxes state lawmakers in, forcing them to choose openly between two politically unpalatable options: raising more taxes or slicing programs sacred to their constituents.
The diagnosis leaves Sister John poised between two equally unpalatable options.
As things stood on Tuesday, officials said, the administration faced two unpalatable options.
As you suggest, this leaves the unpalatable option that Ms Lester is dead, and not by her own hand.
If driven to choose between such unpalatable options, she would probably climb in a closet and stay there.
Which created a number of unpalatable options.
It means that you have two equally unpalatable options.
That left only one decidedly unpalatable option.