On 1 July 2008 Sheepshanks stood down as chairman and took an unpaid non-executive role at the club.
He also landed an unpaid role in the independent film Stray, in which his character was beaten to death.
She contends that these unpaid roles, often filled by women, should be included when determining a nation's productivity.
Why, having deemed Thomas unsuitable for an unpaid role as management board chairman, did they allow him to become a de facto highly salaried chief executive?
On 22 April 2011 it was announced that Brown would be taking on an unpaid advisory role at the World Economic Forum.
However, after leaving the Royal Hussars with the rank of major in 1981, he decided to take on an unpaid public role.
Furthermore, what he considered seriously was not exactly a job but a full-time unpaid advisory role.
Wilson's work on character education includes an unpaid role with 4eProductions.
While the skills minister, John Hayes, campaigns for apprenticeships, some of his colleagues are still placing adverts for unpaid roles.
Sunkin has had an unpaid role with the charity since 2007, Rawitch said.