Several other groups followed, but it was Elijah Muhammad 20 years later who introduced Islam, at least a highly unorthodox version of it, to black Americans on a large scale.
Ad-Darazī was a dawah ("missionary") who first preached an unorthodox version of the faith to outsiders in 1016 .
But there is a way to make a superb, if unorthodox version of pesto.
It was at that time that he directed his unorthodox versions of Shakespearean plays and scandalised the conservative British establishment with novel interpretations of classics.
In March 2012, Dennis Egal performed an "extremely unorthodox" version of the song during Britain's Got Talent.
Both of them have wide experience with cerebroenergetic enhancement-as well as with unorthodox versions of the Cambridge lie detector.
Apple Computer introduced an unorthodox version of its iMac personal computer today, seeking to refresh its once-popular three-year-old consumer model, which had begun to grow stale.
This unorthodox version featured cutlets sautéed with garlic, vinegar, peppers, olives and capers.
Discovering that he loves cricket, these die-hard hockey fans become practitioners of a decidedly unorthodox (and very funny) version of the game.
Did Jimi Hendrix's unorthodox version on the guitar do any damage?