Dr. Walters was led to his unorthodox theory by a consideration of several disparate observations others have made in the past.
In each case the scientist's unorthodox theories lead to permanent change and ultimately to self-destruction.
These techniques were based on Bates' own unorthodox theories, which have been consistently rejected and in many cases overturned by the scientific and medical community.
The 40-year-old Filipino prospector had become a millionaire by ignoring detractors and doggedly pursuing his own unorthodox theory about how minerals form.
"Discarded by academia for his brilliant but unorthodox theories about the origins of human civilization."
I have called it an unorthodox theory because few adhere to it.
The unorthodox theory also provides a satisfactory explanation of exposure age.
The greatest difficulties faced by this unorthodox theory are to do with the compositional variations across the Moon.
Others offer more unorthodox theories that cannot yet be ruled out.
Working with a student, Chandra Wickramasinghe, he championed the unorthodox theory that the seeds of life, including disease viruses, periodically fall from space.