The Concert Fantasia for piano and orchestra is related in its light tone and unorthodox formal structure to the orchestral suites.
The school does not currently field teams in interscholastic athletics due to its unorthodox structure.
The story was widely criticized for its sick humour and unorthodox structure, but today is seen as one of the more successful productions of its era.
The various amount of bureaucrats and committees involved in the radio industry resulted in unorthodox structure.
Intricate guitar leads, unorthodox harmonic structures influenced by modern classical music, and complex contrapuntal vocal passages have remained significant aspects of the musical sound of Echolyn.
Free jazz's unorthodox structures and performance techniques are not as amenable to transcription as other jazz styles.
Her voice is both smooth and unique, and her songwriting talent is obvious, but it follows unorthodox structures that are her own.
"Boo Boo's Birthday" has an unorthodox structure among even Monk's tunes, being 21 bars in length and having an unusual harmonic structure.
The campaign also announced that it would use an unorthodox organizational structure, opting to have several regional campaign directors rather than one centralized staff.
There are modernistic aspects to the music, like the waywardly chromatic harmonic writing, and especially the unorthodox structure.