In each case, the automotive client already at the agency gave its blessing to an unorthodox, lenient interpretation of traditional client conflict rules.
His charismatic and sometimes unorthodox interpretations have been praised and criticized.
In practice however, unorthodox interpretations were read into the conciliary documents by laity, priests and bishops.
His unique, often unorthodox interpretations of standards and pop songs set him apart from virtually every one of his peers".
He is known for his unorthodox interpretation of the Bible and his theatrical, accusatory style of preaching.
It just seems an awfully unorthodox interpretation, and not in a good way.
As a child, he often challenged his teachers with unorthodox interpretations of scripture.
Carpenter has been both criticized by some and praised by others for his unorthodox interpretations of the standard organ repertoire.
Gould was well known for various eccentricities, from his unorthodox musical interpretations and mannerisms at the keyboard to aspects of his lifestyle and personal behaviour.
Discuss modern, unorthodox interpretations of Islam.