In the event, Tyndale's unorthodox beliefs and his lack of support for the annulment prevented him from having any direct impact on royal policy.
IS Helen Reddy a person of unorthodox beliefs, or a crackpot?
The student newspaper reporter commented on Botkin's "unorthodox" beliefs regarding sexual relations between men and women.
He served as bishop for nearly forty years, as well as traveling widely to combat unorthodox beliefs.
They have been criticized by mainstream Christians for their unorthodox beliefs.
In the months that followed, the ultra-Orthodox group with the unorthodox beliefs received threatening phone calls at its synagogue.
His unorthodox beliefs are not very well accepted by the city of Concord.
It is most famous for its Nontrinitarian Christology but contains a number of other unorthodox beliefs as well.
The Government continued to try citizens for unorthodox religious beliefs.
Barnes's episcopate was marked by a series of controversies stemming from his outspoken views and unorthodox religious beliefs.