He unofficially begins to investigate unsolved crimes dating back many years.
Le Pen's campaign for the upcoming presidential election unofficially began in the months following the 1986 election.
The event unofficially began with a dark match between Super Crazy and Shelton Benjamin.
But the visit, Mr. Bush's first here in almost a year and the first since the 2004 campaign unofficially began, was suffused with political overtones.
The second season, sad and strange, began unofficially for the Mets tonight.
The Mountaineer was adopted in 1890 as the official school mascot and unofficially began appearing at sporting events in 1936.
Parker offered to play the club for Garofolo, which unofficially began the room's short-lived life as a jazz club.
The appearance of women on the stage began unofficially during the 1870s.
May unofficially begins the outdoor-maintenance season.
The tour unofficially began with six rehearsal dates in Asia, Africa and Europe.