That said, there's this unofficial rule that says 'Never reply to a rejection letter'.
The unofficial rule is this: The longer a series goes, the better it gets.
Many unofficial rules of etiquette exist, and Websites allow sluggers to post warnings about those who break them.
But in this case he went against his own unofficial rule.
The Fed's unofficial rule is that inflation, excluding volatile sectors like food and energy, should not increase more than about 2 percent a year.
One unofficial rule of California Pedro is no "table talk".
"We have sort of made an unofficial rule that bandannas are to be discouraged if not forbidden," Grube said.
In contrast to Kent, there were unofficial rules, I was told by reporters, to get to Bonds.
The unofficial rule seems to be that whatever else they do, nice smells can't hurt you.
Of course, that might mean breaking an unofficial rule to avoid eye contact.