"The idyllic picture of the life of unofficial artists which is being painted now has absolutely nothing in common with past reality," Mr. Bulatov continued.
To people at the South Street Seaport Museum and the market, she is its unofficial artist in residence.
Additionally, punishments for unofficial artists became less severe; they were denied admittance to the union instead of being murdered.
Finally, and most interestingly, these paintings may depict in pictorial, nearly abstract terms the nature of life as an "unofficial" artist.
During this time Russian popular music was divided between sanctioned "official" performers who were admitted to the musicians union, and unofficial artists.
If unofficial artists could not exhibit, why not create an unofficial salon?
She decided to put together a show of "unofficial" Russian artists, studying books and catalogues for references.
They lived under Stalin for decades but left the Soviet Union after "unofficial artists" like them were condemned.
For many years, the only unofficial Soviet artist to have achieved a measure of fame in the West was Ilya Kabakov.
No underground or "unofficial" Cuban artists are represented.