He covered his eyes, which felt better until that unnerving feeling of being watched recurred.
It wasn't because of that unnerving feeling that s/he could actually be in a partnership.
It was a most unnerving feeling, and she began to have an idea how Quenten and the others had felt, before they'd quit Valdemar and headed home.
Now he couldn't shake the unnerving feeling that Lovecraft had written more truth than fiction.
His head was aching, and he had an unnerving feeling of strangeness.
Sarah had the unnerving feeling that if Joss had not been there to protect her David would have physically assaulted her.
But along with comfort comes the unnerving feeling of being watched, a lesson that has been experienced by millions of instant messaging users.
Despite its over-the-top story, the film does leave you with the unnerving feeling that the natural world deserves far more respect than we and our leaders are giving it.
And Jeremy had the unnerving feeling that she had guessed more about his personal history than she could possibly know.
Maggie had the unnerving feeling that she was alone in a strange lifeless world swathed in cotton, cut off from everything real.